Semeru.... nama sebuah gunung di Jawa. Tapi bungalow ini juga dinamakan semeru.
Sebuah tempat favoritku di puncak yang menyimpan banyak kenangan.

Other names/spellings mahameru or the goddest peak

Elevation (feet) 12060

Elevation (meters) 3676

Location jawa timur, indonesia

Latitude 8° 06' South

Longitude 12° 55' East

Best Climbing Months April, May, June, July, August, September

Convenient Center(s) malang

Nearest Major Airport juanda

VolcanicStatus Active

Easiest Summit Route Walk up

the peak of mount semeru is 3676m above sea level , the highest mountain in java and one of active volcano.the caldera of mount semeru is located on caldera tengger which is the biggest caldera on east java with a beatifull view. the unique of semeru crater is each 10 -15 minutes flowing up vulcanic material with intiated by smoke which raise high.



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